Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

The past 2+ years have been interesting for us all.  For us, it’s meant dealing with some major health issues, but, thankfully, they are mostly resolved/being managed.  So, I can finally get back to Making Things.  I always feel rather lost when I don’t have any creative irons in the fire.

The first thing I need to mention is that I closed down my Wordpress e-commerce website.

I’m not great at marketing and tooting my own horn, so the site wasn’t earning its keep.  Etsy, Ravelry, and Lovecrafts are where knitters tend to go to find knitting patterns, anyway, so my site wasn’t needed.  And Etsy, at least for now, is a good venue for my handspun yarns, and hopefully for any handwovens I make, if and when I get that far!

The second tidbit is that blogging has been hanging on the fence.  Since closing the site, I’ve hemmed and hawed over whether I even wanted to start a new blog, and if so, on which platform.  I used Blogger many years ago, so I’m comfortable with it. I tried to use Wix, but it seems to confound me, just as WordPress did.  LOL, I actually preferred using my old website that was created in html, over the myriad of WP settings and plugins. ‘Keep It Simple’ isn’t WP’s middle name.

So, this new blog is a restart/reset.  I do have the WP blog’s text and images saved, and I’ll be working on adding them here to Blogger, in the order in which they were originally posted, before I post anything new.

I look forward to posting about all that which I take joy in – weaving, spinning, knitting, gardening, cooking, and making things for the home – and I hope you’ll pop by now and then, to see what I am up to.

Happy Crafting!

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